URL: http://www.eminitrader.com Done: The site has been made at a specially designed \"runner\", possessing the following features.
The site is template-driven. That means that changes in its appearance require only changing the html-templates of pages, without any interference in the functional part.
It includes a link-exchange directory of references to subject resources, sorted out into categories/subcategories. It allows the user to put a reference in any category on condition that the user puts a reference to the given resource at his/her site. Presence of a reference at the user’s site is checked automatically. (This system includes controlled lists of “unauthorized” domains, that means the site administrator controls the lists of domains, putting references in which is not allowed, then, the system checks automatically whether the reference, offered by the user, belongs to an “unauthorized” domain or not.)
Article Management System, possessing the following features:
- several types of users, possessing the rights to place articles at the site (including the type of users whose articles are saved but not displayed at the site up to administrator’s confirmation).
- in case if articles are added, RSS-feed is generated automatically and a notice of resource update is sent out to the ping services, which significantly raises the site attendance and its subject search positions in the main search systems (Google, MSN, Yahoo).
- as for the outward appearance, the site represents a number of static pages, generated automatically when a user or the administrator adds data or makes changes in the content, which also improves the site indexing and its positions in the leading search systems.
- adding and editing of articles doesn’t require special knowledge in HTML language from the user.
Advertising Banner Management System.
Meta-tag Management System at any page of the site, allowing to make changes in the lists of the key words, descriptions and headlines for each page, which also improves the site positions during key-word search in the leading search systems (Google, MSN, Yahoo).
News Subscription System and news posting to the subscribed users.
Technologies: Server-side programming is performed in PHP 4. DB MySQL. HTML(CSS), Java Script. Compatibility: IE 6.0, Opera 7.11, Mozilla. Execution period: 25 days. Description: The site has been designed for writing, publication and management of articles dealing with stock trade at Forex market. Language: English